Kiwanis offers an opportunity for involvement in the community, the nation and the world. While service
is what the Kiwanians are known for, their club offers much more. Meetings and projects provide fellowship - fellowship
that is sincere and lasting.
Since its founding in 1915, the organization has grown to about 9,000 clubs in more than 80 countries.
Kiwanians are engaged in education, government, banking, marketing, agriculture, international trade, non-profit
organizations and many other fields. They are corporate officers, managers, small business owners and self employed
professionals. They are young individuals embarking on careers, successful managers and professionals and active retirees.
The Club meets every Tuesday at 12:30
PM at the Golden Corral Restaurant located located
on Martin Luther King Blvd. at the junction with US 70.. Each meeting, except the third Tuesday in the month, includes
a guest speaker. Anyone interested in Kiwanis activities is invited to attend. Call David Burke at 635-6386
for additional information. You can also send an e-mail to